We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself.
2 Corinthians 1:8 (NIV Bible)

Monday 9 November 2015

Faith & Despair: Working and Living Together

I am not exactly "cranking out" at a fast past the posts for this Blog. Since the majority of the people who come here are themselves suffering and feeling despair, I don't want to be flippant, shallow or smart-mouthed.

I'm doing a lot of thinking and praying about what I want to say at this Blog. The concept of faith and despair living side by side seems to be relatively new to us in the 21 Century, although the topic of "Despair" is ALL over the Bible. I'm finding it hard to figure out why I didn't notice it more before now.

If you 'Google' the words "Christian" and "Despair" together you will see thousands of websites on the topic. But almost all of them talk about how to overcome despair and be happy, not how to incorporate despair into your life as a Christian. These sites often revolve around someone selling their latest book on the topic. If you read through the titles of these books, articles and blogs a lot claim to have a recipe or plan or key or secret to happiness and overcoming despair. So the people who write (and sell) books have come to the same conclusion I have: this is a HUGE topic. 

For the last couple years I've been "out of the loop" as far as information. After I got back on the Internet I started investigating the World Events I had missed. (Just a lot of sad and bad news) 

Then I looked up the top 100 Christian Contemporary songs for 2014. I discovered that the vast majority of bestselling Christian music now revolves around "sticking tight" to Jesus, no matter how awful and difficult life gets. Those veiled references to Christ are pretty much long gone. There's "wonder working power in the blood of the lamb" and people want to hear that.

Suffering is not anything new, but the widespread scale on which Christians are enduring it is. In the 1980's most Evangelical Christians "won" people for Jesus by telling them that He would fix whatever is wrong in their lives, overcome their problems and make them happy. Now, it appears, that peoples' expectations about Jesus, or anything for that matter, is simply trying to find a way to endure whatever comes. The earth is a messed up place and before you can "get a handle" on your latest problem, 6 more show up.
People may spend their money on books about the "key to overcoming despair"* and listen to encouraging Christian music but are coming to the conclusion (perhaps only on an instinctive level) that it's not that simple. That your "happiness" is not Jesus' ultimate goal.

So let me start with honesty at least. I have no recipe, key or secret to happiness; mine or anyone else's. I'm not going to sell you anything. I do not have all the answers. In fact, I have very few answers. But there are a few things I do know:

  • You are not reading this by accident.
  • Many people are currently suffering.
  • Happiness may not be attainable to you right now, but joy is.
  • Despair does not mean you are a horrible Christian, you have done something wrong, you have "secret sins" to get rid of or God is angry with you. 
  • Jesus has not abandoned you. (In fact, I'm stating your relationship with Jesus may get closer and more intimate because of your despair)

"They reeled and staggered like drunken men; they were at their wits end*. Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven."    (emphasis added by me)
 ~Psalm 107:27-30

HOWEVER, if you look at the previous verses in Psalm 107, you will discover that God started the storm in the first place.

"For he spoke and stirred up a tempest that lifted high the waves. They mounted up to the heavens and went down to the depths; in their peril their courage melted away."
  ~Psalm 107:25-26 

Thank you for taking the time to come here. We will be returning to this topic again.
Please come back and don't forget that your comments and feedback are always welcome and appreciated

Love Laura-Lee

FOOTNOTE: * Not meant to endorse or disclaim any book or writing that may have this title. L-L 

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