We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself.
2 Corinthians 1:8 (NIV Bible)

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Heaven's Lace

I started this Blog when I finally got back onto the Internet again after about 18 months without it. I wanted to encourage people who were Christians and going through very trying times. To let them know it was okay to not feel happy all the time.  I wanted to let them feel free to feel despair, because sometimes Life can be so difficult, so horrible that there is a reason to despair. That it can still be a place full of faith. That faith and despair can live side by side and often do.
But, as usual, I'm getting back more than I am giving. I am getting a lot of people telling me that they are feeling bad for me, want to encourage me and, mostly, that they are praying for me (especially in my continuing Bereavement). It's such a good thing to know.
But even in my deepest "darkness", I've suspected there were always people praying for me.

There are many times when I will suddenly think of somebody I met briefly or somebody I knew many, many years ago and Jesus will tell me to immediately stop and pray for them, even though I have no idea where they are or what is going on with them. 
In that same way, I knew that when I needed prayers Jesus would  "tap" certain people and tell them to pray for me too. We are a network, a family, a Communion of Saints, Witnesses routing each other on.

When I was a teenager I went to a church that had sixty to eighty members. 
One Sunday night the Pastor called anyone forward who needed "special" prayers for a "specific" need and the Pastoral Team would pray for them. There were three Pastors at the front. It started with three people going up to be prayed for. I saw a friend go up. I decided to go stand "with" her to pray for whatever her "special need" was. I went up and stood by her. Close enough to put my hand on her shoulder but far enough away so she could have privacy with the Pastor as he prayed for her. 
As I got to the front I noticed that a couple other people had already done the same thing for the other two people who had gone forward. I stood behind my friend, put my hand on her shoulder, closed my eyes and started to pray for her.
About a minute later I felt a hand on my right shoulder. Then a moment later another hand was on my left shoulder.
A few minutes later I opened my eyes from my praying and looked around. There was NOBODY left sitting down in the pews. Everyone was on their feet at the front of the church, linked as a network of hands on each others' shoulders. Each person praying for someone else.
 In my mind I thought, "I wonder what this would look like if you took a photograph from the ceiling?" An ENTIRE congregation linked physically by the "laying on of hands" and also prayer.

"Heaven's Lace".

I've referred to it as that ever since. 

So you may seem to be alone, whoever you are, but you are part of Heaven's Lace ... always. That thought got me through many dark times. 
Don't be afraid. Not only is Jesus is with you, but also every person who calls Him "Lord". Covered forever by "Heaven's Lace". It sounds rather sentimental and "La-dee-dah", but it is a real and practical reality of being a Christian. You CANNOT be alone. No more than I could crochet or knit something and then remove a single stitch from the centre somewhere. Once you're part of it you're  part of it, forever.

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