We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself.
2 Corinthians 1:8 (NIV Bible)

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Stop Sweeping Under the Rug ... It's Getting Too Crowded Under There

"Despair" is not a good or fun or nice thing to have to live through. BUT there was a time when if you were a Christian and you were "suffering" people told you there was something WRONG with your faith. (Like you might be hiding "secret sin" because God actually wants you to be rich and happy ALL the time).

Well, a LOT of people have re-vamped their attitude on suffering. Not even every Christian minister will tell you that God doesn't want you to suffer. So maybe it's time to take another look at "Despair" too. Just like "Pornography" or "Wife Beating" or a million other things that Christians face COMPLETELY ALONE. Because we are definitely NOT "cutting it". And it's not good to pretend everything is fine, ... when it isn't.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdOm5veNwsg

    1. Finally. I got the above LINK to be published. You have to HIGHLIGHT it. Make a COPY and PASTE it into the Address bar at the top of the page and it will take you to a YouTube video about "Narcissisitic Personality Disorders". I don't agree with everything IN the video but it was interesting and I ALWAYS wish to publish any comments- even if they are opposed to me or Anonymous. Thanks for RE-Submitting it.

  2. Someone posted a Video from YouTube here in the COMMENTS section but without any actual words to accompany it the "publish" button won't work. So, whoever you were, if you want to try again and actually write a few words along with it, I might be able to attach your YouTube video or at least go and look at it myself, which I couldn't do either. (the "copy" & "paste" buttons wouldn't work on yr Video either) Sorry. didn't want you to think I was personally snubbing you. L-L
